
The ASA T3 compressor

The ASA T3 compressor

In 2004, the ASA T3 compressor went into production. The specifications for its development were characterized by:

– A common modular system for the ASA T1 with as many proven common parts as possible

– Cost-optimized overall concept compared to T1 to cover lower power ranges

– small construction volume

– Large gear ratio (i = 1: 10) and so

– Use of large pulleys to prevent belt slippage

As a rule, the ASA T3 compressor is supplied with lubricating oil from the internal combustion engine via a bypass circuit.

The compressor housing can be rotated 360 degrees freely about its axis of rotation to the compressor unit. With its simpler design, the ASA T3 covers work areas with lower pressure ratio and air mass flow requirements. For this reason, there are no HD variants.